Thursday, March 29, 2012

Crowded Post

Last year, my friend and I decided to take another friend of mine to a Red Sox game because he LOVED the Red Sox but had never been to a game before.  So, being the fabulous friends that we clearly are, we bought three (cheap) tickets and went to the game.  Now, we weren't able to plan this part, but the game happened to fall on one of the ridiculously hot days last  August.  IE it was 95 degrees at 9am.  The game was luckily an evening game, but we arrived a few hours early and it was still literally 100 degrees. And our seats were in the sun for the first hour or so.  Not only was it crazy hot, but it was SUPER crowded.  Fenway is a popular and crowded place to begin with, but with it was that hot out, boy it was awful.  The game itself was fun and my friend caught a homerun ball which was a FABULOUS birthday present!  But the worst part was when the game was over and we had to leave.  We drove and parked about 3 blocks away, but it was so crowded it took about 2 hours to get out of there and my friend was driving whom had never driven in Boston before; my desire to control everything was outrageous.  I just wanted to scream at everyone to move.  Overall, it was a wonderfully fun evening, but the heat and the crowds nearly ruined the evening. 

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